ISTD Tap Dance Bronze, Silver & Gold Tap Awards Music (1179D)
Track listing:
Bronze Tap Award:
1. Warm Up (4 times through)
2. Close Work Time Step - slower tempo
3. Close Work Time Step - quicker tempo
4. Amalgamation A - Rag - slower tempo
5. Amalgamation A - Rag - quicker tempo
6. Amalgamation B - medium bounce
7. Amalgamation C - Rap - slower tempo
8. Amalgamation C - Rap - quicker tempo
9. The Bow
Silver Tap Award:
1. Warm Up (4 times through)
2. Close Work Time Step - slower tempo
3. Close Work Time Step - quicker tempo
4. Amalgamation A - Bright swing - slower tempo
5. Amalgamation A - Bright swing - quicker tempo
6. Amalgamation B - Easy four - slower tempo
7. Amalgamation B - Easy four - quicker tempo
8. Amalgamation C - Blues three four - slower tempo
9. Amalgamation C - Blues three four - quicker tempo
10. The Bow
Gold Tap Award:
1. Warm Up (4 times through)
2. Close Work Time Step - slower tempo
3. Close Work Time Step - quicker tempo
4. Amalgamation A - Rag - slower tempo
5. Amalgamation A - Rag - quicker tempo
6. Amalgamation B - Lyrical three four
7. Amalgamation C - Funk
8. The Bow
Also included are practice tracks for each award.
To play unzip ISTD_Tap_Dance_Tap_Awards_Music.zip and import MP3 files to your music player of choice.