Starting from:


Contemporary Advanced 1 (audio)

ISTD Contemporary Advanced 1 Music (1512D)


Track listing:

1. Warm Up
2. Limbering and The Plough
3. Curved Back Bounces
4. Scoop Breathings, Sitting Breathings & Sitting Breathings with Extending Legs
5. Snap Breathings
6. Bounces & Breathings Combined
7. Spirals with Contraction and Throw
8. Limbering Stretch in Second
9. Deep Contractions in Second
10. Rocking Foot Exercise with Throw
11. Limbering Stretch, Deep Contractions in Second & Rocking Foot Exercise with Throw
12. Snake Contractions in Fourth
13. Fish Asana with Contraction Fall
14. Pleadings
15. Roll Up
16. Hip Openings with High Release and Side Step
17. Parallel Brushes with Contraction
18. Pliés in First and Second including Fifth Turned Out Full Pliés
19. Hip Openings, Parallel Brushes & Pliés
20. Turned Out Brushes with Contraction
21. Contraction On the Spot with Turned In Fourth
22. Contraction On the Spot with Turned In and Turned Out Fourth
23. Contraction On the Spot with Turned In Fourth, Turned Out Fourth and Swivel Contraction
24. Contraction with Turned In Fourth Across the Space
25. Contraction with Open Fourth Across the Space
26. Contraction with Two Fourths Across the Space
27. Contraction from Second Position Plié
28. Contraction from Second Position Across the Space
29. Contraction with Hang from Elbow
30. Contraction with Hang from Elbow Phrase Across the Space
31. Step Draw
32. Step Draw with Contraction in Fourth Position
33. Crab Walks
34. Crab Walks with Contraction
35. Crab Walks with Turn and Contraction
36. Jumps in First and Second Position
37. Warm up Jump
38. Big Tilt Jump
39. Big Tilt Jump with Flexed Front Foot
40. Tilt Jump with Flexed Foot and Claw the Air
41. Tilt Jump and Claw the Air Sequence
42. Double Attitude Leap
43. Bison Double Attitude Leap
44. Four Falls
45. Solo
46. Bows


To play unzip and import the MP3 files to your music player of choice.