Cecchetti Classical Ballet Grade 2 (video)
Please note the file names have removed the letters with accents from the file names. Please see below for the full list of exercises.
1. Grade 2 intro and warm up
2. Pliés
3. Battements tendus
4. Grands battements devant
5. Grands battements devant à la 2nde
6. Ronds de jambe à terre
7. Adage
8. Preparation for sautés
9. Echappés relevés - taken facing the barre
10. Echappés relevés - taken away from the barre
11. Stretching exercises for training purposes only
12. Arm exercises - for training purposes only
13. Port de bras
14. Battements tendus with transfer of weight
15. Retirés
16. Arabesques
17. Exercise for use of head
18. Exercise for tour en l'air
19. Sautés
20. Pas de chat
21. Petits jetés derrière
22. Petits jetés devant
23. Polka - forwards and sideways
24. Polka - sideways and forwards
25. Galops - Option 1 - shown with hands behind back
26. Falops - Option 2 - shown with hands on hips
27. Echappé sautés - an example of a simple enchanement
28. Révérence – Curtsey or Bow